“First Figs…a Savory Tart”

first figs

First figs are always the sweetest. Much anticipated & coveted… to be eaten warm sun-ripen directly from the tree or added to simple recipes that highlight their rich earthy juiciness such as this savory tart.


All over my neighborhood there are fig trees…some very old,  branches laden with ripening figs…others recently planted lightly adorned with just a few green figs. I do not have a fig tree in my yard  &  there is no need for me to add one to my landscape as my neighbors are very generous. Fig Tarts to Steal Your Heart, A Late August Four Letter “F” Word to Savor and Jam the Figs are some of my other fig posts here at Food on Fifth using the bounty of my friends.

Here are the ingredients for this easy savory tart:

1 pre-made pie crust or your favorite homemade crust, 2 eggs, 8 ounces goat cheese & 8 ounces ricotta cheese (both at room temp), 6 to 8 fresh figs, black pepper, crunchy sea salt such as Maldon

Here is how I made it:

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Press pie crust over the bottom & up the sides of a tart pan with a removable bottom if you have one, if not, then use a regular 9″ pie tin.

Tart Shell

2. Cut figs into quarters lengthwise. Set aside. Using a mixer blend the eggs, goat cheese & ricotta cheese together until creamy.

Fresh Figs

3. Spread cheese mixture over the pie crust.

Filling Tart ShellFilled Tart Shell

4. Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes or until set & slightly golden. Remove from oven.

Baked Goat Cheese Tart

5. Top with the quartered figs. Return to oven & bake another 10 minutes. Remove from oven & allow to sit for at least 30 minutes. The figs cook just a bit in this last 10 minutes of baking in which they begin to caramelize. Sprinkle with crunchy sea salt right before cutting into servings. Great as an appetizer or as an entrée with a simple green salad.

Printable Recipe Here

Fig & Goat Cheese Tart

Have you ever enjoyed a fresh sun-warmed fig right off a tree?

Which do you like best, dried figs or fresh?

What is your favorite way to use figs in recipes?

When you think”figs” do you immediately think of The Garden of Eden…Adam & Eve…Michelangelo’s David?


Fig Lovers Unite!

19 thoughts on ““First Figs…a Savory Tart”

    1. You would not believe what happened after I posted this. My neighbor, Burdelle, phoned me and asked if I wanted some figs! She had not seen this post. I went over yesterday morning and we picked about 10 lbs of ripe figs! I have been very “figgy” here at my house. Plant a fig tree, they grow pretty fast. Thanks for stopping by Wiff.

  1. This looks amazing! Have you ever considered adding some crumbled bacon or tiny shred of proscuitto on top?

    1. I am so sorry I missed your fig dish at Third Thursday! I am off right now to comment on those lovely lettuce cups.
      I had been thinking of making a few changes to my site for a while now and am quite happy with how it looks. Thanks.

      1. That sound really good, I will delniitefy try it. I think it would be great on a flatbread with some melted tallegio cheese and maybe a splash of saba and some arugula.

  2. What a beautiful savory tart…your photo could be on the cover of a magazine. Oh to live in an area where fresh figs grow. I hardly ever see them in my market and when I do they are very expensive.

  3. Loving the bonus recipe! I adore figs, but they need to be warmed by the sun and not refrigerated for me, so I rarely buy them – but we do have a little fig tree in a pot in our garden, which one, day…….. may produce some treats for us……

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